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Heart is the most sensitive and most emotionally connected organ in human system. Evan a small pain in the region of Heart make us panic and we run in to huge medications and subsequently end up in Bypass surgery. Evan after that several patients can not leave for long and has to be under huge medication and has to leave a life with a fear of heart attack always. Homeopatic system can fully cure you with out any Bypass and patient can leave a normal life with out any medication.

Hear is a case of a 52 year old Man who was detected partial blocks in heart and asked for a bypass at the earliest. The patient visited us for a check of possibility and we accepted with pleasure. First a CVCG was done to assess the situation and followed by 1 month medication. This is one of the fastest responded cases of ours where we could help the patient quickly.

Before Homoeopathic Treatment Date of test 5th JAN 2013  
After Homoeopathic Treatment Date of test 15th FEB 2013  

Heart is the most sensitive and most emotionally connected organ in human system. Evan a small pain in the region of Heart make us panic and we run in to huge medications and subsequently end up in Bypass surgery. Evan after that several patients can not leave for long and has to be under huge medication and has to leave a life with a fear of heart attack always. Homeopatic system can fully cure you with out any Bypass and patient can leave a normal life with out any medication.

Hear is a case of a 73 year old Man who was under the cardiac care in a reputed Hospital He was under different medicines. He took our consultation on 15th may 2003 we had done the CVCG of the patient before the starting of the case as well as in August 2003. We asked the patient to discontinue all allopathic medicines with in a week of starting of our treatment. At start he had a blood flow deficiency of around 40% in a span of 2 months it has become 0%. Also his total health has become absolutely Normal with out any medicines from allopathic and we also discontinued our medicines after the satisfactory results. Any one like to interview the patient can talk to him over Phone. The total medication in this case was only 2 doses of NUX 1m

Before Homoeopathic Treatment Date of test 15th MAY 2003   After Homoeopathic Treatment Date of test 7th AUG 2003